References of inspiration for current and future projects, a quick snapshot inside my noggin through mood boards assembled past, present, and future.
There is a Japanese word yūgen (幽玄), usually translated as “mysterious profundity” and it relates to the beauty and deep awe-struck feeling that nature or at times other art forms strike in the fibers of our being. Think zen garden arrangements, Grand Canyon sunsets, or that moment you couldn’t put into words what you witnessed in nature. Have you heard of the Earthrise photo and story?
It all begins with the nerds and niche tastes. Embrace the weird and different to showcase authenticity and narrative. Once you channel your brand personality so much more is possible in connection with your audience and campaigns.
Process-driven & organic matter
Both in reference to creative process, design systems, and collaboration styles. There is just as much to say about the journey as there is about the destination and it is rarely one fixed point which is messy, wild, and beautiful.
Other key attributes